Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Milee Droog again...

Yes, I eat out more frequently than tigers hunt for a living. That's what my foodie family had for lunch at Milee Droog on Thursday. While my son sided with variants of roundness, wife and I remained as firmly apart as a porcelain square and wooden disk. Lush Caesar salad of crispy Romaine lettuce with home-made garlic breads, and briskly bold Tomato and Basil soup on side, both lovingly tempered to suit a revolting stomach, are what Gogol's roundels cradled with warmth. A disarmingly white plate threw savoury Lebanese chicken, served with Pita-Hummus, into an appealing relief, urging wife treat the meat more with the empathy of vegans than the midday fury of an unfed carnivore. Choice of spring chicken made the treat a celebration of herby tenderness. Pizza, to me, is like Annual Budget that always has more to it than meets the eye. Laid on a crust that stiffens too fast to be loved long, a gorgeous Mexicana with all the regular suspects like San Marzano, Mozarella and bell peppers as toppings pleased with verve and freshness. Ending meals with something as eternal as coffee always tickles. Milee’s brisk Americano made memories of evenings at Third Rail Coffee in New York gush back, bringing an unhurried end to a reassuring repast.

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