Thursday, June 27, 2019

A one-off case I hope!

Partial excellence is as real as the Unicorn.

I run the risk of sounding utterly obscure by saying my midday meal was 62.5% good. So fractionally precise it was. And, that quotient whenever staggering below a reasonable 75% bodes ill. Pelmenis are Russian cousins of Asian dumplings. As herb-spritzed white balls they came bobbing in meat-broth, hung with a sour cream of delicious consistency. While five out of eight of them were truly off the charts, the remaining three felt like tiny corrugated white balls of overused latex cradling lumps of juicy pork mince. Stuff of perpetual chew. Unbecoming. So, three out of eight went rogue, and that’s 37.5%. #uncookedwords

Since consistency is the byword in today's food-world, tinkering with it may prove untoward. Satyaki, please fix. And DON'T update. I’ll find out myself. This is from one who swears by your ware.

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